GM remote fails to operate |
My 2007 Buick remote control stopped
working suddenly. Seems I had dropped it a few days before but that
happens a lot. Since it is only a year old I figured the battery wasn't at
fault but I opened it anyway to check it out. I found the problem in a few
minutes of examining the small internal circuit board. Evidently dropping
this kind of remote control isn't very good for them due to the weak solder
oints holding the battery clamp in place. The solder joint broke in two
places!! A few minutes with a soldering iron with a micro tip and the
problem was solved. so if your GM remote control suddenly stops working
don't toss it out!! Send it to me and I'll fix it for you for a nominal
fee and send it back to you, or if you feel competent enough try soldering it
yourself. Just don't overheat the micro-components nearby or you will
destroy it.

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