The Load Handler is here!!
I saw this system used by an 80
year old man with a pick-up truck full of fire wood. When he backed in the
driveway I thought for sure he would have a stroke or heart attack unloading all
that firewood! I watched with amazement as he stuck a crank into a slot on
this thing which was mounted on his tailgate and began to crank effortlessly as
his son slowly pulled his pickup forward. In less than a minute he had
unloaded a full face cord of wood on the driveway! I was so impressed that
I bought one the next day and installed it on my 2000 F150. Here is a
picture of my installation.

The unit fits over the tailgate using two heavily padded
brackets which are adjustable for the thickness of your tailgate.

Once mounted you simply unroll
the "window shade" and lay it down in the bed of your truck. Dump the load
on top of the heavy duty material and drive it to the jobsite. Drop the
tailgate and insert the crank handle into the tube. A few easy turns and
the load is moved to the rear and off your tailgate. I have moved
firewood, stone and top-soil with this device and believe me it works like a
charm. You can put your shovel away since it is no longer needed to unload
dirt, gravel, sand or whatever you want to haul!!
Here is a movie you can view.
It takes about two minutes to see how well this system works.
Load Handler Movie
I am so convinced that this product works exactly as described
that I have decided to sell it from my website. You know I sell nothing I
don't believe in and this device has saved my back more than once and will
continue to serve me for many years to come. To order yours just send me
mail note and I will tell you how to order it for a mere $94.95 plus shipping and handling.